I'm so glad that everyone's continuing to add to our Joy Bank of Happy Pictures over at Flickr. These just make me smile!
Let's check in with where The Happy Book is this week:
- Bliss: The Bliss book is with Agenda Gal (blog to come) in Alaska and will be on its way soon!
- Giggle: The Giggle book has made it to Stephanie in Washington!
- Mirth: The Happy Book is with Ellecubed in Toronto. She's been really sick so please, everyone, send Lexi lots of love and good vibes. She let me know she should be up to getting the book in the mail soon.
- Glee: Kate has the Glee Book in St. Louis!
Let's keep sharing our happy:
- Everyone's welcome to write a post about what made them happy this week and share it in the Mr. Linky below.
- Come on by our Vimeo group to share a video of what makes you happy! It doesn't have to be perfect or edited or even have sound! Whatever makes you happy is just right. A moment of home video? Perfect. Your cat purring? Purrfect.
- Or if photography's more your thing, catch a moment of happy and share it at our Flickr group called Share Your Happy. Come see what people are sharing! There's family and inspiration boards and rainbows and stars and pie!
- And remember, you can absolutely get yourself your own copy to work through while waiting for the mail-around book to arrive!
What made you Happy this week?