Friday, June 25, 2010

The Happy Book: June 25

Sometimes I'm just going through my day, making a tea, going to the library, riding the subway and I think - I wonder where The Happy Books are right now? I imagine them flying across the globe, each stop connected by those dotted lines you see in old movies when they show the route that our hero took. Imagine these four books are like our heroic adventurers, picking up new stories to share along the way.

If The Happy Book arrived on your doorstep today, right now, what would you put in it immediately? What is bringing you glee at this particular moment? Feel free to share in the comments!

So, where are The Happy Books this week?
Let's share our happy:
  • Everyone's welcome to write a post about what made them happy this week and share it in the Mr. Linky below.
  • Come on by our Vimeo group to share a video of what makes you happy! It doesn't have to be perfect or edited or even have sound! Whatever makes you happy is just right. A moment of home video? Perfect. Your cat purring? Purrfect.
  • Or if photography's more your thing, catch a moment of happy and share it at our Flickr group called Share Your Happy. Come see what people are sharing! There's family and inspiration boards and rainbows and stars and pie!
  • And remember, you can absolutely get yourself your own copy to work through while waiting for the mail-around book to arrive!
What Made You Happy this week?

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Happy Book: June 18

One of the wonderful things about this journey is how it's taking us through the seasons. I well remember bundling up to put the Happy Books in the mail on January 15th! And today I'm in a tank top and the sun is shining! I love that we're getting to notice what makes us happy and how that shifts and changes through out the year! Now we'll know what fills us with GLEE in the springtime and what brings us BLISS in summer, what makes us GIGGLE in the fall and where we find Mirth in winter! What a joy-full way to experience the year!

And experience the year we will because I have a funny feeling these babies will be back on my doorstep some time in 2011!

It looks like the books aren't the only ones travelling this week!Let's share our happy:
  • Everyone's welcome to write a post about what made them happy this week and share it in the Mr. Linky below.
  • Come on by our Vimeo group to share a video of what makes you happy! It doesn't have to be perfect or edited or even have sound! Whatever makes you happy is just right. A moment of home video? Perfect. Your cat purring? Purrfect.
  • Or if photography's more your thing, catch a moment of happy and share it at our Flickr group called Share Your Happy. Come see what people are sharing! There's family and inspiration boards and rainbows and stars and pie!
  • And remember, you can absolutely get yourself your own copy to work through while waiting for the mail-around book to arrive!
What Made You Happy this week?

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Happy Book: June 11

1. The Happy Book, 2. Multnomah Falls, 3. My favorite shoes!, 4. Untitled, 5. Poppies, 6. DSCN8685.JPG, 7. Beautiful dessert, 8. Getting Your Feet Wet, 9. Finally! Time in my kitchen., 10. Picnik collage, 11. Hug, 12. Untitled

Our Flickr Group makes me happy! Look at all the yummies that have been piling up in there. What treats there were for me to pull out this week and share!

And it's been exciting to see some people share some photos of the book itself! It's hard to imagine what they will be like when they finish this amazing adventure. It occurs to me that we're like the Happy Book, heading out on adventures, being touched and changed by those we encounter, becoming richer, fuller, complete with more stories to tell and likely more than a few signs of wear - but all in the spirit of happy adventure!

Let's see where the books are on their travels!

Let's share our happy:
  • Everyone's welcome to write a post about what made them happy this week and share it in the Mr. Linky below.
  • Come on by our Vimeo group to share a video of what makes you happy! It doesn't have to be perfect or edited or even have sound! Whatever makes you happy is just right. A moment of home video? Perfect. Your cat purring? Purrfect.
  • Or if photography's more your thing, catch a moment of happy and share it at our Flickr group called Share Your Happy. Come see what people are sharing! There's family and inspiration boards and rainbows and stars and pie!
  • And remember, you can absolutely get yourself your own copy to work through while waiting for the mail-around book to arrive!
What Made You Happy this week?

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Happy Book: June 4

from Leah Piken Kolidas on Vimeo.

Last week Leah of Creative Every Day shared this video. I thought I'd feature it this week, especially for those beautiful moments when Leah's bliss in her new home is so apparent! What a joy. Leah, you're radiant! And if you're looking to amp up your happy, Leah shares that her Creative Every Day theme this month is Bliss! Bliss Circle, she must be talking to you!

And look, the books are on the move!

Let's share our happy:
  • Everyone's welcome to write a post about what made them happy this week and share it in the Mr. Linky below.

  • Come on by our Vimeo group to share a video of what makes you happy! It doesn't have to be perfect or edited or even have sound! Whatever makes you happy is just right. A moment of home video? Perfect. Your cat purring? Purrfect.
  • Or if photography's more your thing, catch a moment of happy and share it at our Flickr group called Share Your Happy. Come see what people are sharing! There's family and inspiration boards and rainbows and stars and pie!
  • And remember, you can absolutely get yourself your own copy to work through while waiting for the mail-around book to arrive!

  • What Made You Happy this week?