Friday, September 24, 2010

The Happy Book: Week 5

As we go through this Happy Book adventure, one of the things I'm noticing is the different shades of of happiness. Today we have an exuberant assignment (as you can tell by the thumbnail of the video, lol!) Last week's gratitude was warm and glowy. What are you noticing about the different flavours of happy?

This week's Happy Book Assignment? Watch the video for details!

Checking in on the Mail-Around: Where are the books this week?

  • Bliss: The Bliss book is on it's way to Carmen Torbus in Florida!
  • Giggle: Jennifer Moore in Michigan is anticipating the arrival of the Giggle book!
  • Mirth: The Mirth book is headed to Sandra in Toronto!
  • Glee: Stephanie is about to receive the Glee book in North Carolina!

    Join in Anytime!

    It's never to late to join in with The Next Chapter! All you have to do is sign-up in the box to the upper left, get yourself a book and play along!

    Let's Share Our Happy Adventure!
    Remember: You can always respond to this week's prompt or simply share what made you happy this week. This adventure is all about sharing and amplifying joy and delight!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Happy Book: Week 4

This Week's Happy Book Assignment:
  • Watch the video for details of this week's happy assignment!
  • Resource for the upcoming week:
Checking in on the Mail-Around: Where are the books this week?
  • Bliss: Carmen Torbus in Florida is ready to welcome The Happy Book from Barb Kobe in Minnesota!
  • Giggle: Phew! Turns out The Happy Book was shy of postage and ended up taking a step back before heading out again. But it's still sailing! And travelling back to Jennifer Moore in Michigan!
  • Mirth: Sandra in Toronto is next to get The Happy Book from Anna in New York!
  • Glee: Stephanie in North Carolina is looking forward to finding the new Glee Happy Book in the mail soon!
Join in Anytime!

It's never to late to join in with The Next Chapter! All you have to do is sign-up in the box to the upper left, get yourself a book and play along!

Let's Share Our Happy Adventure!
Remember: You can always respond to this week's prompt or simply share what made you happy this week. This adventure is all about sharing and amplifying joy and delight!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Happy Book: Week 3

This Week's Happy Assignment: Page 124

I've outlined the details in the video because I know some of you are still getting your books.

The Mail-Around: Where are they now?
  • Giggle: The Happy Book is in transit to Jennifer Moore. Now, it seems to have been on its way for quite a while, so we're starting to wonder whether it's, well, gone on a different adventure. We'll give it another week.
  • Mirth: Anna has the book in New York and will be passing it along to Sandra here in Toronto.
  • Glee: Oh, my, Glee beauties, I'm afraid this is the first of the books to officially go MIA. There have been many attempts from many different angles to see if we could get the book back in motion but to no avail. So, here's what I'm going to do. I am going to send a new book out to Stephanie in North Carolina so that the circle can continue. Let's hope that the O.G. (no, not Original Gangsta but Original Glee) book finds its way back to me. Send good vibes!
Let's Share Our Happy Adventure!
Remember: You can always respond to the week's prompt or simply share what made you happy this week. This adventure is all about sharing and amplifying joy and delight!

What was it like going on a photo scavenger hunt? (Or were you inspired to create a modern dance like me!) I can't wait to see each of your interpretations of circle, tree, smile, sparkle, heart, clean, treasure, red, fresh, sky, yum, toes, morning, home!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Happy Book: Week 2!

Mail-Around Peeps: Thank you to everyone who has sent me an "I'm in" email, especially those people who for some reason didn't get the mailing but know they are on the list. Remember, if you are in the mail-around and want to stay in the mail-around, you must email my by September 7th to confirm your participation.

If you currently have one of the mail-around books, please hold onto it. After I have everyone's confirmations I will make the adjustments to the mailing lists and get back to every one of you with all the details required to keep The Happy Book dancing merrily along. And for motivation, when the first book makes it back to me, everyone in that circle gets Your Creative Spark!

Everyone Playing!

And welcome to everyone who is going to join in and play through The Happy Book together! You can join in anytime. Please sign up in the form on the upper left.

This Week's Happy Assignment:

I've outlined the details in the video but here are the words you need to know: circle, tree, smile, sparkle, heart, clean, treasure, red, fresh, sky, yum, toes, morning, home. Lol, even if you haven't watched the video, doesn't that sound fun already?

Let's Share Our First Adventure!

For those of you who dove in this past week, I hope you had fun with our first assignment! It brought me lots of giggles and invited me to be brave! I can't wait to hear what it inspired for you. What was it like traveling with a merry mascot of mirth?