Monday, December 20, 2010

The Happy Book: Complete

Our journey through The Happy Book is now complete. Please sign up for my newsletter using the sign-up form on the left to find out about The Next Chapter's next adventure. We'll be playing our way through another book in the summer and would love to have you on the adventure!


  1. I so wanna be a part of the next one... I must get my own book first, right?? so Mine can be included in the next go round?? is that how it works?

  2. Hi BonnieRose! It would be wonderful to have you be a part of the next adventure. We'll be working on a different book this summer and yes, to follow along it's best to buy yourself a copy. Sign up for my newsletter and you'll be sure to here when the next Next Chapter begins :)

  3. Jamie -will we ever get to see the completed Happy Books? I was the first to add to the Mirth Book and would love to see what the others put in.

  4. Hiya,

    Though we've finished playing through the book together, the mail-around continues.

    As soon as a book makes it back to me, I'll be sure to take lots of pictures or make a little video and share all the creative happy love within!

  5. Fantastic news to hear that one of the books has made it back to you and loooking forward to seeing the pages, especially if it's the Mirth one!


Here's to sharing our mirth, acknowledging our bliss, dancing our glee and spreading some giggles! What made you happy this week?